Mother’s day is just around the corner and if you are a retailer, it is a great time to start promoting your product and services now. Many consumers at this period are willing to spend money to treat their mum with special gifts and services so it is a great opportunity not to be missed.
One of the most cost-effective and fastest way for mother’s day promotion is using email marketing. You can entice consumer with early bird promotion or freebies in the email marketing to encourage them to take action immediately. As there are more customers using mobile phone to shop today, the mother’s day email marketing promotional messages you are sending out must not only be desktop friendly but mobile friendly as well. In another words, the email message must not loaded with heavy graphics; the text must be readable and layout is not broken when display in any devices and platforms.
Free Email Template for Mother’s Day Promotion
For retailers’ conveniences, we have created some HTML responsive email marketing templates that you can use for your Mother’s Day email marketing promotion. Why HTML email marketing templates? Because not every email service providers create email marketing template the same way but a HTML email marketing template can be accepted and imported easily. The only requirement is you need to have some basic knowledge of HTML coding.
We have created some sample email templates for florist, travel agency and gifts suppliers. You are free to use the images and the template files as you want. In order for the email messages to be readable across as many devices as possible, the width is restricted to 600px and adopted a tried-and-tested layout – either one or two columns. There will be no complicated background images as some email clients such as Gmail does not support it.
You can copy from the sample email template file and paste the html code into the email editor of your favourite email service provider. Just replace the product pictures with your own pictures and change the text to suit your targeted market. Do a preview and test copy before sending out. You might need to do some tweaking of the code if the layout does not display well.
#1. Mother’s Day Email Template for Travel Agency
What could be more relaxing than giving a stressed mum a relaxing vacation during Mother’s Day? Travel agency could make use of this free email template and send your best Mom’s day holiday packages to your customers. You can click on this free html email template below, copy the html code and paste it into your email service provider’s (e.g. email editor. Try to limit the number of photos used, the width of the photo should not be more than 229px, and text should be short and precise so that it will not overload the mobile phone users. This is a responsive email template so it will auto adjust itself when view in smaller devices. You can encourage your customers to click on the button to ask for more details or book online by using prominent call-to-action button.
Click here to copy Free HTML Email Template for Travel Agency.
#2. Mother’s Day Email Template for Florists
This sample email marketing template is ideal for florists who want to send Mother’s day email marketing promotion to their customers who like to purchase fresh flowers to delight their mums. No mums will say no to beautiful flowers so a well-design email will help to boost sales during these periods. You can just download the free html email template below and modify the text and replace the pictures with your own, see steps below if you need help. The email template is responsive as seem in the picture above so mobile users will also see the same message as desktop users but in different layout.
Click here to copy Free HTML Email Template for Florists.
#3. Mother’s Day Email Template for Gifts Suppliers
Besides Christmas day, there is nothing more exciting than Mother’s Day as customers are crazily looking for the best Mother’s day gifts for their mums. Gifts suppliers are sometimes overwhelmed with orders on the actual day so they might disappoint some of their customers. Hence to improve customers’ shopping experience, gifts suppliers should plan early and send out Mother’s day email marketing promotion to customers as soon as possible. You can access the free responsive email template for Mother’s day and use it to send out your Mother’s day offer. Encourage customers to make use of the discount code to confirm order earlier to avoid last-minute rush.
Click here to copy Free Responsive Email Html Template for Gifts Suppliers.
How to Use the above Free HTML Email Templates?
If you are new to creating an email template and wondering how to use these free html email templates for your Mother’s Day promotion, here are the steps to guide you.
- Click on the individual link above to view the free html email template in your browser and you will see a ready formatted sample email template.
- Right click anywhere on the email template and select “view page source” from the pop-up box.
- It will open up a new window and display the whole source code of the template.
- Select the whole source code by pressing either Ctrl + A in your Window keyboard or use your mouse and manually select everything.
- Press Ctrl + C to copy the code.
- Go to your email service provider (e.g. Constant Contact) to create a new email.
- In the “Select a Template” page, click on “</> custom code” on the top right corner to proceed.
- Remember to give your email a name before proceeding.
- Select “HTML” for email format.
- On the next page, select “Advanced Editor” on the left hand panel.
- This will open up the html editor and it has the following code inside the editor:
<!– If your HTML code DOES include the html, head, and body tags,replace the entire code below with your custom HTML code.
Please note, if you want to use the Constant Contact personalized greeting,
make sure to add the <Greeting/> tag to your code. –><html>
<Greeting />
<!– If your HTML code DOES NOT include the html, head, and body tags,
paste your custom HTML code between the START and END comments –>
<!– START –><!– END –>
</html> - Replace the above code with the code of the email template you have copied earlier or simply select all and paste the code in.
- Click on the “Preview & Test” to preview your copy and you can make adjustment immediately for any misalignment.
- Once done, click on the orange “Save & Return” button to save and exit the html editing mode.
- When you are satisfied with the copy, you can proceed and assign a list.
- Now, you are ready to send out your email promotion to your mailing list.
Hope the above free html email marketing template can help you to boost up your Mother’s Day sales. If you do not have an email service provider, you may like to try Constant Contact, they have a free trial plan for you to test out all the features.