If you are planning to sign up for an email marketing services, you should try Constant Contact! They are now giving away free email marketing template (aka Website Match Email Template) for sign-up customers before end of March 2013! The free email marketing template which is worth US$99 is designed by professional team and will match the look and feel of your company website with the same company logo, header, color and social media links. The purpose of doing so is because many businesses find that maintaining the same consistency in all the communication channels is one of the most effective ways to build brand recognition and image fast.
Below is a video that briefly explain the purpose and benefits of having an email marketing template.
This is definitely good news for small businesses as it will not only help you to save a sum of design fee but also learning curve. In addition, the email marketing template will eliminate the mandate process of creating the same design every time you want to send out an email marketing campaign. With the email marketing template available, you simply click on it; key in the content; add in the picture and you are done! It saves you the trouble to bother your designer when you have to change a bit of information here and there or have a last-minute email message to send out. You have complete control over the content and schedule for your email marketing campaign.
So How Do I Get The Free Email Marketing Template?
The only criterion is you have to become a Constant Contact customer to receive the free email marketing template and it must be before 31st of March 2013. Once you signed up, you can submit a request form to Constant Contact team and your free email marketing template will be ready at your dashboard in 2 weeks’ times.
So don’t miss the opportunity!
Click here to get a free email marketing template today!