It may seem difficult to get your blog (not blog) verify by Google webmaster tools when you are not allowed any FTP access to There used to be a way to work around it by creating a new page and pasting the verification filename given by Google webmaster tools into it but it no longer work now. There is another quick and easy method you can try, please follow the steps as below.

  1. Go to the Google Webmaster Tools and log in using your Google account.
  2. Click on the “Add a Site …” button and then add the URL of your blog, for example and click the button “Continue” to proceed.
  3. You will then ask to verify your blog, use the “Meta Tag” verification method, copy the meta tag inside the box which should look something like the following:
  4. <meta name="google-site-verification" 
  5. Please note you do not copy the above Meta Tag, you should have your own unique Meta Tag, copy the whole thing and leave the page open.
  6. Go to your, log in and go to the dashboard.
  7. Click on “Tools” at the left hand panel, it should the second last items on the panel.
  8. Scroll down the page and you will see “Webmaster Tools Verification”.
  9. Paste the Meta Tag you have copied earlier into the box besides “Google Webmaster Tools” and click on “save the changes”.
  10. Go back to Google webmaster tools verification page and click on the button “Verify” and you should be done.

Your should be now verified by Google webmaster tools. To take advantage of Google webmaster tools, you can also add in your blog feed into the “Sitemaps” section so that Googlebot can crawl your blog more efficiently. To find out your feed’s URL, click the Feed Validator here to check. Once you got the feed’s URL which looks like something as below: or

Click on the “Submit a Sitemap” to submit your feed and you will need to wait a few minutes before it is approved. Once it is approved, your blog is now well verified and optimized.